A year or so ago we painted the bathroom and I loved it but it was always lacking something. You can't see the cabinet in the picture above but it was white. Everything was white before we painted. Then Russ and I had a great idea. He moved the mirror that was on our dresser and switched it with the bathroom one. Then we got the rustoleum cabinet transformation in the espresso color( my idea) to match the mirror and painted the cabinet. All in all the bathroom transformation cost us $35.00. Pretty Thrifty huh! And doesn't it look amazing! Russ gets all the credit. He worked his butt off. The only downside to this project was how long it took between coats but we love it!
In our masterbath I wanted to put shelves above the toilet. I saw the idea on pintrist and I really liked it. So Russ got the materials and put them in for me! He did such a great job! Thanks to my sweetie for taking up 2 weekends to make out home look so much better~!
Which Insect Lays Its Eggs In Water
9 months ago