There are so many things in this past year that I am so grateful for. We have had many exciting things happen. So this list below is this past year with things I am grateful for.
Russ turned 30! He is officially an old man... Just kidding honey!
He started his 2nd and 3rd semester at UNT!
He received 2 awesome Scholarships!
He is mainting a 4.0! Isn't that so amazing!
I turned 26 years old! I never thought that I would have made it to this age! Oh the things you think of when you are young.
I have had some great fun at girls night! I have had the chance this year to come out of my shell and do things that I never thought that I would do.
Karaoke, Roller Skating, Hula Hoop on the wii in front of everyone, Play watching,7-11 hopping to get free slurpees,"pajama" shopping,are some of the fun things that I participated in.
McKaylee started talking! Now she won't quit. She has learned the ABC's, Numbers ( 1 to 10) colors, and she loves to read with mommy and Daddy. She loves to Jump and go to the park. We took away the binkie and we are going to attempt to potty train.
Daphnee learned to Crawl and walk! She has learned some fun words and she is trying to learn more.
We visited with family and friends this past June! It was our first roadtrip as a family! Oh the memories!
I found long lost friends when I joined Facebook! I love it!
I got the chance to visit my Sister in Wyoming. Even though I really wanted to be there for the birth of her last baby... I missed it by hours, I was still glad the be there for the first 3 weeks of his life!
I have completed 2 family challenges!
I have lost 50 pounds! I know who knew that I could pack it on? Pregnancy is great!
Russ lost 30 pounds!
I have become more exercise minded! I know it is about time right!
We adopted a dog! Aremis! What a great addition to our family.
We have had so many wonderful things happen to us. We are very blessed. We live in a great place, we have awesome friends, amazing families. I don't think that I would ask for anything more.... Well maybe a million dollars but I guess I will have to keep praying for that.
Okay so it is resolution time! I am finding out that I am the type of person that gets excited with starting projects but I am not one to finish them. So I am going to work on that among other things. I would like to be more of a journaler. I am finding that I don't have as good a memory as I thought that I did. So I am going to journal more and finish what I started.
I can't wait to see what 2010 brings my family! I hope all of you will be around to find out with us! Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Grateful, This past year and New Resolutions.
Posted by AshnRuss at 5:43 PM 5 comments
A Snowy Christmas
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Posted by AshnRuss at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
McKaylee says the cutest things
I wish that I could get McKaylee to talk when I am recording her but once she sees the camera she won't perform so you will have to read some of the cute things that she says.
" Mommy, I want to take a nap! But change my bum first"
Eramis(Aramis) is so funny
dacy dacy ( Fancy Nancy)
I'm so Pitty ( Pretty)
1 2 3 4 6 8 9 Yeah! Good Job!
I lof you
Posted by AshnRuss at 8:55 AM 1 comments
Thanksgiving Day
I know I am a couple days late posting Thanksgiving pictures, but better late than never. We had a great day. Russ went and played football with a bunch of guys from the ward. The Turkey Bowl is a fun tradition. The Green's invited us to eat dinner with then and their family. McKaylee was not shy at all. She almost ate them out of house and home.
Posted by AshnRuss at 8:24 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Eventful Wyoming!
Mckaylee, Daphnee and I went to Wyoming to help Steph out with her new baby! Tyson Darwin Dirks was born Oct 13. He was 8 pounds 9 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long ( I hope this is right) He was born about 4 hours before I arrived. I was sad to miss the birth but I was happy that he was here!
Brennan was "Brittany" for a day! Isn't he so cute!
You may ask, what is there to do in Wyoming. Randy has answered that question. He bought a Razor and let everyone take a ride in it. Danielle took all the kids for a ride. McKaylee was so scared at first but I wanted her to try something new.
Whenever Caden would sit on the windowsill McKaylee was right there with him. He would scoot over and she would scoot closer. I don't think that he liked it that much but she loved spending time with Caden.
I wish that I would have getten a better picture of Grandma with her girls. Time just flies by when you are having fun
Snow! It snowed while we were there. This was the first time that my girl have ever seen snow. They loved just watching it fall!
Mckaylee and Shelby has such a good time together. They loved to watch movies, and just play. They also had a few arguments. Here is the scene:
I don't know if you can see the pictures very well. McKaylee followed Steph into the bathroom and tripped over Steph'f foot. She hit her face on the toilet. Her top teeth went through the bottom lip and cut it all the way through. Luckily it wasn't bad enough to get stitches but it did leave a nasty sore on the inside of her lip.
I think Daphnee and Brennan were the funnest to watch. They always wanted the toy that the other was playing with. They had a tug of war over the stool. Brennan may be bigger than Daphnee but when she wants something she will try her best to get it.

Well after 2 1/2 weeks in Wyoming it was time to go home. Steph and I had decided to drive to Denver on Friday so that we wouldn't have to drive 4 hours and then get on a plane and fly home. Well things didn't go as planned. It has snowed in parts of Wyoming and in Denver, and if anyone knows anything about Wyoming it is that it is WINDY! On Friday morning we found out that all of the interstates that go the Denver were closed. We waited until the afternoon and Randy found us a round about way to get to Fort Collins Colorado. We started out Journey. The roads were clear, the sun was out and everthing was great! We were excited to go shopping and eat at nice restaurants. We made it to Laramie Wyoming. It was close to dinner time so we decided to eat at a deli and then get dessert when we made it to Fort Collins. By the time that were done eating ALL the road leading out of Laramie were CLOSED! We were stuck! We found out that if we would have stayed in Casper and waited until the interstate opened we would have been in Denver already so we stayed the night in a hotel. Steph got up at 3:30 and checked the roads. The one that we took the Laramie was open, we thought that our best bet was to go back to Casper and then take I-25 to Denver. So we loaded all the kids up in the freezing car and drove 18 miles only to see that the road was closed. We went back to the hotel depressed and annoyed. We got an hour of sleep and decided to get some breakfast. By this time my girls were so tired and whiny and I just broke down. I wanted to make my flight and have Russ take the girls trick or treating... but that was not what happened. We decided to try the road leading back to Casper one more time. We saw that it was open, but we also saw that another road to I-25 was open also. We took that and we finally made it to the interstate! I missed my earlier flight so luckily I was able to get on a later flight.
Posted by AshnRuss at 8:55 AM 5 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Aramis the defender.
Aramis. Shepher Mix. 6 month old. 34 pounds! Expected to get bigger.
Posted by AshnRuss at 1:30 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
What a month!
This past month has been eventful. Not only have we had an injury, we have had sickness and a few milestones as well!
McKaylee loves nursery. She loves to play with the toys and hang out with her friends. She also loves to try and figure out how things work. I guess that she was fascinated with the cupboard door and the hinge. McKaylee stuck her finger in a part of the hinge while someone was trying to close the cupboard door. She got it cut pretty good. The top of her nail, by the cuticle was cut so deep that the nail fell off. I never want to go though anything like that again. Just thinking about it almost brings me to tears. She cut her middle finger so the only funny thing about the situation is you get to see the bird when McKaylee shows you her owwie!
Posted by AshnRuss at 6:38 PM 1 comments